Category: Bookkeeping

July 2, 2016 Mark No comments exist

The software we use can easily calculate your tax liability. 

Using reports we can easily let you know how to save for your tax payments so you don’t need to damage your cash flow. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you! 

June 28, 2016 Mark No comments exist

Are you a sole trader or self employed?

If so, it’s time to start thinking about finalising your books for the tax year 2015-2016.

If you are submitting online your deadline is 31st January 2017, however, it’s wise not to leave it until the last minute just in case you have a tax bill to pay.

At MJR Bookkeeping I can hep you bring your books to a close ready for your accountant or even submission to the HMRC.

If you haven’t done so already it’s definitely time to get things sorted ready for the deadline, it’s not to late!

Contact me to see how I can help –

April 1, 2016 Mark No comments exist

Hello there. Thanks for checking out my new website.

After much thought I have decided to start my own bookkeeping company. I have been growing my client base over the last couple of years but now it seems this could be something I could offer to many other sole traders and small companies who need an easy bookkeeping solution.

I work in an accounts office which services four large companies so it is easy for us to sort our own bookkeeping internally, but many sole traders or smaller companies do not require an internal accounts department as there isn’t enough of a workload or it is just not practical.

At Mark Robertshaw Bookkeeping we can offer companies like this a low cost solution without distracting them from the very thing which makes their company a success. After all, they may not be an expert in the accounts field.

So why not get in touch and talk to us about how we can help you. You can get in touch using the enquiry form or give us a call on 01635 595 659, we are always happy to help.